Board of Trustees

The Federation is managed by a Board of Trustees who generally meet on the second Monday of the Month (except August)  They are all WI members and work on a voluntary basis to ensure the smooth running of all activities and the management of the funds.

The current Board Members are:

Erika Brichta, Federation Chairman   
Lesley Boardman, Vice-Chairman
Ros Williams, Vice-Chairman
Yvonne Price
Jane Hazell
Rosemary Hunter
Karen James
Bridget Kearns
Fiona O'Leary
Deb Ruse
Pam Tedder

The Board oversees the work of Federation Teams who arrange conferences, workshops and leisure activities for the benefit of members.  Further information on these can be found by clicking on any Teams listed below and contact details will be found in the Federation Yearbook.

Public Affairs 
Membership & Training 
Sport & Leisure
South of England Show

Board of Trustees Terms of Reference
Board of Trustees Standing Orders