Federation Events

WSFWI Federation Quiz

Tuesday 13th August 2024    3.30 pm - 5.30 pm  or  7.30 pm - 9.30 pm
North Mundham Village Hall or Fittleworth Village Hall or The Ark, Turners Hill

WIs may enter as many teams as they like with up to  4 members per team.  Tickets:  £14.00 per team
Please name your teams ***WI ‘A’, ‘B’ etc.
Refreshments available

Please apply for your tickets by email to tickets@wsfwi.co.uk with the following information:
Your name/Your WI name/Your email address/A contact telephone number
Names of team members/ Name of your team (WI name plus A, B, C etc. if more than one)
The location (North Mundham, Fittleworth or The Ark, Turners Hill) Time (Afternoon or Evening)
Payment will be taken by the WI invoice.
Closing date: July 31st, e-tickets issued 1st week of August.

10 Pin Bowling  Individual Trophy

Tuesday 10th September 2024    10.00 am - 12.00 noon
Out of Bounds, Rustington

Two games £9.50
Please wear trainers or bowling shoes available.

Apply by email to:    tickets@wsfwi.co.uk as soon as possible.
Closing date: 6th September 2024.

South of England Autumn Show & Horse Trials

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September 2024  -  Ardingly Showground  
9.00 am - 5.00 pm

The theme for this year is "Ready, Steady Christmas"

Schedule with your WI.  See the April edition of West Sussex News or click here for the classes

Click here for the entry form

Speakers Interviewing Day

Thursday 26th September 2024  -  Ashurst Village Hall  -  10.00 am - 4.00 pm

An opportunity to hear prospective new speakers give a brief taste of their talk and have your say as to whether they should be included in our Speakers List.  This is always a popular day.

Refreshments available.  Please bring a packed lunch and car share if possible.

Tickets:  £4.00   This may be paid from WI funds for programme planners

Email:  tickets@wsfwi.co.uk to register for this event  Please put 'Speakers Interviewing Day' in the subject box  and state name of WI, number of tickets required and names of attendees.

Closing date:  Monday 23rd September

Programme Planning Workshop

Monday 7th October 2024        2.00 pm - 4.00 pm   -  Ashurst Village Hall    or
7.00 pm - 9.00 pm  on Zoom

The sessions will help WI programme planners with fresh ideas for programme content and how to use your programmes to publicise your WI and bring in new members.

No charge, please bring your existing programmes and any publicity you use, posters. Website details, Facebook details to share.

Please book using the tickets email address: tickets@wsfwi.co.uk
When booking: Put Programme Planning in the email subject line, and then state your name and WI, and if booking for more than one ticket the names of all attendees, and indicate which session you wish to attend
Closing date: Wednesday 2nd October