Membership & Training

WI Advisers

This team consists of WI Advisers who are members trained and appointed by NFWI to offer guidance and help to WIs where necessary.  They are also responsible for setting up new WIs.  Training and information sessions on all aspects of committee work, officers duties and WI finances are organised.  They may also attend some Annual Meetings and Resolution Meetings as necessary.

All Advisers are available with help and advice on WI matters. Contact details can be found in the Federation Yearbook or contact the Federation Office via the Contact Us page.

Treasurers' Training

Thursday 4th April   2.00 pm - 4.00 pm   Face to Face at Ashurst Village Hall
Thursday 4th April    7.00 pm - 9.00 pm on Zoom

These sessions will cover the roles and responsibilities of WI Treasurers,  An experienced treasurer will deal with specific issues and an IFE (Independent Financial Examiner) will  advise on  managing your accounts correctly.

These sessions are free of charge and invitations to attend will be sent to WIs.

Presidents and Secretaries Training

Thursday 25th April    2.00 pm - 4.00 pm   Face to Face at Ashurst Village Hall
Thursday 25th April    7.00 pm - 9.00 pm  on Zoom

New and experienced Officers can benefit from some top tips and sharing concerns and ideas with others in the same role.  WI Advisers will be on hand to answer your questions and explain the workings of the WI including  publicising your WI,  fundraising, sharing roles etc.

These sessions are free of charge and invitations will be sent to WIs.

Resolution Discussion Sessions

Tuesday 30th April      2.00 pm - 4.00 pm  Ashurst Village Hall
Tuesday 30th April      7.00 pm - 9.00 pm  on Zoom

This is an opportunity for members and delegates to discuss the resolution on Dental Health prior to their May discussion meetings and to find out more about the delegate's role and responsibilities.  We hope to have a speaker on the subject.

Please register to attend either session by emailing to:, and mark the email Resolution Session, giving your name, WI and how many tickets you require.
There is no charge for these sessions - please encourage your members to attend and to report back to your discussions at your May Resolution meetings.