Programme 2024/5

10 April   Liz  and  Kevin  -  Worth Park &  The Montefiore  Family

8 May Louise  Ryrie  -  Find and keep your pelvic  floor

12 June  30th  Birthdaty  -  Party Games and  Food

10 July Crawley Museum -  History of Crawley

14 August   Carole Shaw -  Working in Fashion in the 60's

11 September Ian Everest  -  A Sussex Farm in the 1950's

9 October Steve Lewis  -  Investigating a Murder the  "Old  Fashioned  Way"

13 November Gillian  Pettitt - A Wedding in Seoul

11 December Christmas Party -  Celebrating together with food and games

8 January - WI  Resolutions.  Choice for National  AGM  in June

12 February - Sadie Southgate -  Paracise  Fun,  Low Intensity Exercises

12 March -  AGM

Please note that this programme may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances