Discovering the stories behind amazing Sussex views

Discovering the stories behind amazing Sussex views

Attendees at February 2022's meeting discovered some of the fascinating facts behind 10 iconic Sussex viewpoints.

Retired geography teacher Bill Avenell shared the artistic and historical significance of 10 iconic viewpoints in beautiful Sussex.

In his talk for Fishbourne Evening WI in February 2022, he shared insights about the geographical origins and delights of these places leaving members wanting to go and visit or revisit.

Members journeyed with Bill along the South Downs and the coastline and inland into Arundel, Kingley Vale and Hunston. Just some of the fascinating facts shared by our speaker.

Bosham Harbour view showing boats, the water and the church in the background

Top 10 fascinating views

1) Downs - the chalk escarpments make the hills steep rather than high.

2) Sussex by the Sea - smaller waves due to the location along the south coast.

3) Hammer Ponds - dammed streams and rivers were crucial to the iron industry in the 16th century.

4) Bosham - part of Chichester Harbour which is geographically a 'Ria': a flooded valley filled at the end of the last Ice Age.

5) Arundel - has the second fastest tidal flowing river in Britain.

6) The West Pier, Brighton - incredible murmuration by Sturnus Vulgaris, otherwise known as 'Starlings' can be seen.

7) Ouse Valley viaduct - Ouse means 'wet place'.

8) Kingley Vale - a Site of Special Scientific Interest with an impressive yew forest, which are some of the oldest in Great Britain.

9) Hunston - the painting of Chichester Canal by J M W Turner shows in the Tate Gallery, London.

10) Seven Sisters - is made up of chalk and stands 232ft high.

Come and share your favourite Sussex views and discover our friendly WI group.

Our next few events

  • April 27, 2022 Brent Lodge on Caring for Hedgehogs
  • May 25, 2022 Celebrate the group’s 40th birthday.
  • June 22, 2022 Speaker Graeme Payne on Fish and Chips around the World.